Respect for Parents Day - August 1
Thu, Aug 1, 2024

Respect for Parents Day

Respect for Parents Day is dedicated to the bond between parents and children. This is a good occasion to remind children of the importance of parents in their lives and to strengthen family relationships. Children, in turn, can thank their parents for all the good things they have done for them.


Respect for Parents Day officially appeared in the US in 1994 by decision of President Bill Clinton. However, the history of the holiday began long before that. The name of the person who started Respect for Parents Day has been preserved: Marilyn Dalrymple from California. Marilyn emphasized the day was dedicated not only to parents but also to other relatives: godparents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles.

Interesting Facts

  • The United Civil Rights Councils of America hold annual rallies on this day.
  • In addition to the United States, the holiday is in India, Congo, and South Korea.
  • In South Korea, children traditionally give carnations to their parents as a way of expressing love and gratitude.

How to Take Part

Spend the holiday with your family: get together at the table or go to the cinema, a concert, or a picnic. The main thing is to choose a type of leisure activity everyone will like. Respect for Parents Day should be remembered for joyful emotions and not become the cause of new disagreements and mutual dissatisfaction. If there is no opportunity to meet, do not be too lazy to call your parents, and congratulate them and thank them for all the good things. If you had a quarrel with your parents or children, this is a great reason to make peace. Remembering your parents, don’t forget your grandparents as well.

Respect for Parents Day was created not only to share joy with parents but to prove your respect and love with real deeds. Do something nice for your parents—help around the house, cook them a delicious dinner, or give them something they have long needed. They will definitely appreciate it.

When is Respect for Parents Day in 2024?

Respect for Parents Day is observed on August 1 each year.


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