National Pink Day - June 23
Sun, Jun 23, 2024

National Pink Day

National Pink Day offers a great opportunity for anybody to wear pink! Any of the colors between purple and red, of medium to high brightness, and of low to moderate saturation can be classified as pink. Pink is commonly used during other holidays, such as Valentine’s Day and Easter. Pink is often called “the color of love.” Pink flamingos, pink iguanas, pigs, and pink dolphins are just some of the animals that have pink coloring. If you missed National Martini Day, go out and have a pink martini! Watch the classic movies Pretty in Pink (1986) or Pink Cadillac (1989).

Celebrate this fun holiday by listening to Pink Floyd or Pink. Watch The Pink Panther movies or cartoons! Pull out your pinky, and give someone a pinky swear. If something is baffling you, “when in doubt, pinky out.” Wear your favorite Victoria’s Secret PINK clothes. If you are a guy, pull out your pink shirt or shorts. Donate, and wear your pink ribbon to help end breast cancer. Wish someone you know a “Happy National Pink Day!” Give someone you love a pink rose, or watch a pink sunset together. Use food coloring to turn your food pink. However you decide to spend National Pink Day, embrace your feminine side, and celebrate this unusual holiday!

National Pink Day Fun Facts

  • Pink is a combination of red and white.
  • According to the Women’s Institute for Domestic Science, boys originally wore pink since it was considered a more masculine and stronger color. Blue was considered dainty and pretty, so it was often associated with girls.
  • In English, the word “pink” could be derived from the Dutch flower pinken, dating back to 1681.
  • Baker-Miller Pink, also known as “drunk tank pink,” has been painted in jail cells to calm violent prisoners.
  • Both red and pink represent love, but red denotes hot passion, while pink is romantic and charming.

National Pink Day Jokes

  • What would you call the USA if everyone had a pink car?
  • A pink carnation!

  • What’s the difference between pink and purple?
  • Your grip.

  • What is pink and fuzzy?
  • Pink fuzz.

  • What is blue and fuzzy?
  • No, not blue fuzz. It’s pink fuzz holding its breath!

Once there were these three guys all looking for a place to stay for the night. They all saw a pink house. The first guy walked up to this pink house that had a pink driveway. He walked up the pink driveway, knocked on the pink door, and what do you know, a pink lady answered. The man asked this pink lady if he could stay the night, and she said yes. He walked into the pink house, walked up the pink staircase, walked down the pink hallway, walked into the pink room, set his things down on the pink floor, and went to sleep on the pink bed. The next man decided to stay here too. He walked up the pink driveway, knocked on the pink door, talked to the pink lady, walked up the pink staircase, walked down the pink hallway, walked into another pink room, set his things down on the pink floor, lay down on the pink bed, and went to sleep. The third man decided to do the same thing. So, he walked up the pink driveway, knocked on the pink door, talked to the pink lady, walked up the pink staircase, walked down the pink hallway, walked into the (guess what color) PINK room, lay down on the pink bed, and went to sleep. The next day, the first man got out of bed, walked down the pink hallway, walked down the pink staircase, and walked into the pink kitchen for breakfast. The second man got out of bed, walked down the pink hallway, walked down the pink staircase, and walked into the pink kitchen for breakfast. The third man got out of bed, walked down the pink hallway, walked down the pink staircase, and walked into the pink kitchen for breakfast. The pink lady then asked them, “What would you nice gentlemen like for breakfast? I have Cheerios and Fruit Loops.” The first man, after thinking long and hard about it, said, “I think I’m gonna have Cheerios.” The second man, after thinking long and hard about it, said, “I think I’ll have the same.” The third man, after thinking long and hard about it, politely answered, “I would like some Fruit Loops if it’s not too much trouble, please.” The moral of the story is: The ratio of men liking Cheerios to Fruit Loops is 2:1.

National Pink Day Quotes

  • “Pink isn’t just a color, it’s an attitude!” Miley Cyrus
  • “I fell off my pink cloud with a thud.” Elizabeth Taylor
  • “I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” Audrey Hepburn
  • “I love pink – pink’s my favorite. I hardly ever – weirdly – wear it, but I love the color pink.” Ellie Goulding
  • “I don’t think I will ever get tired of wearing pink.” Emma Bunton

National Pink Day Destinations

  • Go to Victoria’s Secret, and buy some PINK clothes for yourself or your girlfriend.
  • Go to the bathroom, but make sure you wash your hands so you don’t get pink eye.
  • Drive to the bakery, and buy some pink cupcakes with pink frosting, or make your own!
  • Go outside tonight, and watch the gorgeous pink sunset, or pick a pink flower!
  • Stay home, and read about National Pink Day on!

Alternative titles for this holiday include: Pink Day and International Pink Day.

June 23rd is also Let It Go Day, National Pecan Sandies Day, and United Nations Public Service Day!

National Pink Day is in June, which is: Adopt-A-Cat Month, Fight the Filthy Fly Month, Great Outdoors Month, LGBT Pride Month, National Accordion Awareness Month, National Candy Month, National Dairy Month, National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month, National Rose Month, National Turkey Lovers’ Month, and National Zoo and Aquarium Month!

When is National Pink Day in 2024?

National Pink Day is observed on June 23 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday June 23 2024
Monday June 23 2025
Tuesday June 23 2026
Wednesday June 23 2027
Friday June 23 2028
Saturday June 23 2029

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