Ellis Island Day - January 1
Wed, Jan 1, 2025

Ellis Island Day

Ellis Island Day is dedicated to the place through which millions of immigrants passed in search of a better life and a brighter future. Today it is a historical site that attracts tourists from all over the world! It is a real museum of migration, making an indelible impression on everyone who visits.


The island opened in 1892 and operated for 62 years. Before becoming a migration point, it was known for pirate activities and even had a place for executions. After the 1760s, the sanctuary ceased to function and was sold to the merchant Samuel Ellis. The man was unable to give the island a “new life,” and his heirs later handed over the territory to the authorities.

The largest flow of immigrants occurred between 1900-1914, with about 10,000 people passing through each day, dreaming of freedom. Steamboats stopped at the entrance to New York Harbor. Different people came: rich, poor, families, singles, with or without children. Some were registered in a few minutes, while others waited for weeks. As a rule, first-class passengers did not encounter problems during the inspection, while third-class passengers faced many challenges.

In November 1954, the island closed its doors after years of operation. It later became a national heritage site, which it truly deserved. It now houses the Immigration Museum. The building, constructed in 1900, is perfectly preserved to this day.

Interesting Facts


  • The thoroughness of inspections depended on the wealth of the migrant;
  • Initially, the island was small – only 3.3 acres, but it was later expanded to 27.5 acres;
  • The island was merged with the Statue of Liberty in 1965 by presidential decree.

How to Celebrate

The best way to celebrate Ellis Island Day is to visit the place and explore every corner of it. If this is not possible, watch documentaries or find interesting literature about it. Research modern migration data: population statistics, economic impact, and issues of illegality. Share information about the holiday with your friends and get their opinions.

When is Ellis Island Day in 2025?

Ellis Island Day is dedicated to celebrating success. It has always been observed annually on January 1st.


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