Use Less Stuff Day - November
Thu, Nov 21, 2024

Use Less Stuff Day is in the US every third Thursday in November. This is the perfect date to learn how to get by with fewer things than usual. It’s easy to remember how you come to the store, collect a full basket of even unnecessary products, and store them at home for years.


The holiday was founded by an organization aimed at saving the environment. Sadly, many materials used today are harmful to nature. Until now, many people are unaware of the harmful effects of plastic. It’s likely your house has dozens of containers collecting dust. Someday they will be thrown out and cause damage to the planet.

Greenpeace, an international environmental organization, supported the holiday. Activists are calling for controlling the consumption of resources – and it’s not difficult! If we do not save the Earth, we won’t be protecting ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren. If every inhabitant learns about the current problems and joins the solution, the outcome will be successful!

Interesting facts


  • 29 million plastic bottles are bought by Americans, and only 13% are recycled. It will take centuries for them to decompose without a trace.
  • About 1000 children die every day in India from drinking contaminated water.
  • 7 billion tons of garbage are thrown into the oceans every year.
  • The Ganges is the dirtiest river on the planet.
  • Up to 98% of radioactive waste is in the soil, leading to the depletion of its resources.

How to take part

Try not to buy anything superfluous today: leave the supermarket with a basket of only necessary things. Use virtual wallets and refuse plastic cards. Buy drinks in glass bottles and try to reduce the use of plastic to a minimum!

When is Use Less Stuff Day in 2024?

Use Less Stuff Day is observed on the third Thursday of November each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday November 21 2024
Thursday November 20 2025
Thursday November 19 2026
Thursday November 18 2027
Thursday November 16 2028
Thursday November 15 2029