National Slinky Day - August 30
Fri, Aug 30, 2024

National Slinky Day

National Slinky Day is celebrated on August 30th. It is dedicated to the famous and world-famous toy – a multi-colored spring that can “walk”. Discovery recognized it as one of the most characteristic children’s amusements of the 20th century. It was played by children not only in its homeland – in America, but also in European and Asian countries.


The Slinky was invented by a mechanical engineer in the US Navy. His name was Richard James. Around 1943-44, he was experimenting with different springs and accidentally dropped one of them while following it with his eyes. The spring somersaulted on the floor, as if “walking”. Richard found her “behavior” ridiculous and showed his “tricks” to his wife Betty. It is not known which of the spouses saw the potential of a children’s toy in the spring, but they began to work on it. Betty found her name in the Swedish dictionary – the word meant something like “mysterious”. For the release of the first batch of Slinky, released in 1945, its creator took a loan. He wanted to present his creation on the eve of Christmas. It was not sold in small toy stores – perhaps people simply did not understand the meaning of the toy. Success awaited it when Richard personally demonstrated its abilities in a large supermarket. The entire batch sold out in 1.5 hours! National Slinky Day was reputedly founded by Alex Brands, an employee at a toy company in Fairfield.

Interesting facts

Learn more about the spring at National Slinky Day:

  1. More than 250 million copies have been sold since its launch.
  2. Initially, the toy was black and blue, later lighter metal began to be used for its manufacture. Rainbow coloring is the latest design.
  3. With the help of Slinky, zero gravity was studied in space research.
  4. The toy managed to get on a 1990 collectible postage stamp, in the National Toy Hall of Fame in the company of Lego and Barbie, and in several famous movies.
  5. Adults also use a spring – it is great for relieving stress and holding pencils in place well.

How to take part

Celebrate National Slinky Day by buying a spring for your kids! Or yourself – this wonderful little thing really cheers you up! Come up with new tricks with it.

When is National Slinky Day celebrated in 2024?

National Slinky Day is observed on August 30 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday August 30 2024
Saturday August 30 2025
Sunday August 30 2026