National Play Monopoly Day - November 19
Tue, Nov 19, 2024

National Play Monopoly Day

National Play Monopoly Day is on November 19 in the United States, making it a great opportunity to gather friends for a delicious dinner and some friendly competition. The game is famous all over the world, and it is difficult to find a person who does not know its rules or has never played.


This game was created in 1903 by Elizabeth Magie, originally as a way to explain Henry George’s single tax theory. She filed her patent in 1904 and published the game two years later. Monopoly is now the most popular board game, and even kids love spending time playing it. The modern market is replete with various versions, offering different themes and designs that are added each year. The rules remain the same – build your ideal business, remove competitors, and become a monopolist!

Interesting facts

  • One game process once lasted 70 days – the longest recorded.
  • American game company Hasbro has over 300 versions of Monopoly.
  • The game has been translated into 37 world languages.
  • There is a World Monopoly Championship.
  • There is an accelerated version, which doesn’t take much time.
  • Monopoly was played on the ceiling of a US Navy submarine!

How to take part

Today is the perfect time to spend the evening with your favorite entertainment! Get together with friends or family and celebrate the holiday properly. Share photos of your game night on social networks. Arrange your own championship – talk with like-minded people and come up with your own rules.

When is National Play Monopoly Day in 2024?

National Play Monopoly Day is observed on November 19 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday November 19 2024
Wednesday November 19 2025
Thursday November 19 2026
Friday November 19 2027
Sunday November 19 2028
Monday November 19 2029

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