May Ray Day - May 19
Mon, May 19, 2025

Spring is ready to play its final chords on May 19, as people celebrate May Ray Day and bask in the warm sunshine, anticipating the vibrant days of summer ahead! Did the spring months live up to your expectations? Summer promises to be even better, louder, and more exciting!


May Ray Day was first celebrated in 1977. The holiday was created by comedian Richard Ankli, who dedicated it to his brother Ray. The idea behind the celebration is simple: head outside and enjoy the day in the fresh air. If the weather is cloudy, stay indoors and pay tribute to famous people named Ray. Read Ray Bradbury, whose novels remain relevant and engaging. Listen to the music of Ray Charles. Or check out the latest Ray-Ban sunglasses online.

Interesting Facts

The sunny month of May was named after an Indian goddess of fertility, or, according to another theory, it has Latin roots.

  1. The full moon that occurs the week after May Ray Day is called the Flower Moon.
  2. The holiday’s mascot is green stones, with a preference for natural emeralds.
  3. The floral symbol of this holiday is the lily of the valley, a delicate spring flower.

It is said that organizing a wedding on this day is not advised, as superstitions suggest that such unions may be unlucky. Instead, it’s a perfect time to attend a music festival, update your wardrobe, and show appreciation to those who bring warmth and joy into your life, like the spring sunshine.

When is May Ray Day in 2025?

May Ray Day is observed annually on May 19.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday May 19 2025
Tuesday May 19 2026
Wednesday May 19 2027
Friday May 19 2028
Saturday May 19 2029

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