Weights and Measures Day - May 20
Mon, May 20, 2024

Weights and Measures Day

Weights and Measures Day is a worldwide holiday dedicated to the system of weights and measures. This standardization allowed its active use in international trade without any particular problems. It is celebrated annually on May 20.


The history of Weights and Measures Day dates back to 1875. It was on this day the International Treaty was signed, according to which a unified system of weights and measures was established. This innovation has greatly improved economic relations between countries, now there was no difficulty with the translation of measuring units of one country into similar units of another country.

Despite standardization, the so-called English system of measures may be used in some countries of the world (mainly the U.S. and the U.K.). It includes feet (measures of length), pounds (measures of weight), and so on. However, the generally accepted system including meters, kilograms, etc., can be used freely there.

Interesting facts

  • The International System of Standard Measures and Magnitudes was adopted in the French capital.
  • Researchers claim that the first universal system of measuring units was created in ancient India about 5,000 years ago.
  • The metric system (which we use today) is based on the number 10 (and its degrees). This is very convenient: 1 cm = 10 mm, 1 L = 1000 ml.

How to celebrate

Learn more about the metric system of weights and measures on this day. Measure the things around you: how many liters a pot holds, how long a table lid is, and more.

Tell about the holiday on social media. Ask other users whether they use the metric system or the English system more often.

When is Weights and Measures Day in 2024?

Weights and Measures Day is observed on May 20 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday May 20 2024
Tuesday May 20 2025

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