Star Trek Day - September 8
Sun, Sep 8, 2024

Star Trek Day

Star Trek Day is by millions of people around the world. The holiday is dedicated to one of the best science fiction stories and TV shows. Even after so many years, its literary and cinematic works attract a huge number of fans. Today, Star Trek has become a truly admired universe.


The first series of the space saga was aired in 1966, on September 8th. It is noteworthy that according to audience reviews, the first series was initially deemed unsuccessful, but subsequent ones improved. The show was canceled a few years later, but was revived in 1969 thanks to fan efforts. The first convention of Star Trek fans was attended by thousands of people in 1972. This confirmed the popularity of the series, leading to its revival and the release of an animated series, which was awarded an Emmy.

Interesting Facts

  • The film Star Trek was also released and became quite successful.
  • All six films of the stellar saga have become classics, but the real success came after the release of Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan.
  • In the 20th century, the Star Trek franchise became Paramount’s most successful franchise.
  • The director originally intended for Spock to be red.
  • Eddie Murphy declined to participate in the fourth part of the franchise, but the King of Jordan played an episodic role in the series.

How to take part

Stock up on popcorn and watch all the seasons of the franchise; immerse yourself in an amazing world and experience exciting adventures. Throw a party while watching, believe me, watching with friends is incredibly fun. Attend a Star Trek convention and you will be at the show’s biggest event yet.

When is Star Trek Day in 2024?

Star Trek Day is observed on September 8 each year.


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Tuesday September 8 2026
Wednesday September 8 2027
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Saturday September 8 2029