Paul Bunyan Day - June 28
Fri, Jun 28, 2024

Paul Bunyan Day

On June 28, a popular folklore character is honored; this is Paul Bunyan Day and time to reread forgotten ancient legends. Do you remember these stories? Refresh your memory or read a short story to your child to introduce them to the character.


The origin of the legend has not been established. This story was passed down orally between generations; no written sources have been found. The hero was a big woodcutter who worked in the endless forests of the northern USA and Canada. The stories were first recorded by James McGillivray.

Interesting Facts

The name of the woodcutter comes from a French exclamation expressing surprise (in Canadian cities, this language is common).

  1. Bunyan became famous for his outstanding physical strength and huge stature. When he clapped his hands, the glass in the windows rattled and shattered.
  2. These characters are in the folk narrative: the lumberjack had comrades and a faithful pet, a blue bull.
  3. Did you know that lakes in Minnesota are the tracks of the woodcutter and his friend, a bull?
  4. It is not known in which region Paul Bunyan lived and worked. Many northeastern states are secretly fighting for this honorary title.
  5. The impressive appearance of a woodcutter is often used by advertising companies to create visual presentations of goods.

The real prototypes may be Joe Fournier, who settled in Michigan after the fighting of the Civil War, or Bon Jean, a soldier who took part in the battles between the Canadians and the French.

How to Take Part

On the holiday, take a trip to the monuments of the character. They are in California and Minnesota. Read an old children’s book, or buy a new, colorfully illustrated edition. Arrange a costume party, invite guests, and recreate the epic scenes.

When is Paul Bunyan Day in 2024?

Paul Bunyan Day is observed on June 28 each year.


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Thursday June 28 2029