National Saxophone Day - November 6
Wed, Nov 6, 2024

National Saxophone Day

National Saxophone Day is every year on November 6th, the day Antoine-Joseph “Adolphe” Sax was born – the inventor of the saxophone. The saxophone is known as one of the most sincere instruments as its virtuoso playing can touch the deepest strings of the soul. It offers a wide range of musical possibilities, making it relevant in both jazz and classical music.


Adolphe Sax invented the saxophone in 1841 and received a patent for it in 1846. He was born in Belgium and had a difficult childhood, surviving various injuries such as falls and swallowing a pin, as well as an explosion of gunpowder. Nevertheless, he was able to bring his dream to life by creating an instrument capable of playing a wide range of notes from high to low. The saxophone was further changed and improved over time, not just by Sax himself but by other masters. In 1866, Sax’s patent for the instrument expired, and a new version was proposed and patented by the Millereau Co.

Interesting facts

  • The saxophone is the only brass instrument in the woodwind family.
  • Few people know that Sax also invented other instruments such as the saxtuba and saxotromba, though these quickly lost popularity and are no longer used.
  • Sax came up with 14 variants of saxophones, but only 4 are commonly used today – soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone.
  • The saxophone was introduced much later than other instruments and is not part of the classical orchestra. However, jazz orchestras cannot be imagined without its sound.
  • The instrument is able to perfectly imitate the human voice, making it perfect for emotional pieces of music.

How to take part

Listen to the amazing sound of the saxophone and let its voice captivate you with its ability to transform, sound different, and convey a wide range of feelings and emotions. Learn more about this unique instrument and how it provides a tonal balance between existing wind and brass instruments. Organize a jazz music party with your friends to celebrate National Saxophone Day!

When is National Saxophone Day in 2024?

National Saxophone Day is observed on November 6 each year.


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Wednesday November 6 2024
Thursday November 6 2025
Friday November 6 2026
Saturday November 6 2027
Monday November 6 2028
Tuesday November 6 2029