National Proofreading Day - March 8
Fri, Mar 8, 2024

National Proofreading Day

National Proofreading Day is an annual American holiday devoted to proofreading texts. The ability to write without error is useful in life – you can increase the speed of writing without fear of making a mistake, freely fill out important documentation, and so on. The holiday is celebrated on March 8.


The importance of proper writing has been around since ancient times, when there were chroniclers. They had to write a large amount of text unmistakably, as it was meant for future generations. Chroniclers were responsible to their work, there was no chance for correction – only to rewrite everything again.

Today, many people’s grammar suffers greatly. And while computers have built-in programs that will highlight a misspelled word or point out a missing comma, in paper writing you can count on knowledge and skills. That is why it is so important to learn the rules of grammar and be able to use them in practice.

Interesting facts

  • In today’s world there is even a position of proofreader/editor. They usually do checks on written articles/documents and correct mistakes.
  • At least 60% of all mistakes are made through inattention, when a person is constantly distracted from writing.
  • There are online services for checking literacy now, but you can’t trust them 100%. Often they see mistakes where there are none, and they don’t notice existing ones.

How to celebrate

On National Proofreading Day, repeat the basic rules of grammar. Try to rewrite texts by hand, making sure there are no mistakes or blunders. Such training will be very useful.

Spread the word on social media. Ask other users how often they make mistakes in writing by hand or on the computer.

When is National Proofreading Day celebrated in 2024?

National Proofreading Day is observed on March 8 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday March 8 2024
Saturday March 8 2025