National Pay Back Your Parents Day - November 20
Wed, Nov 20, 2024

National Pay Back Your Parents Day

National Pay Back Your Parents Day is on November 20th in the United States. It is a day dedicated to honoring the mothers and fathers who raised us, cared for us, and provided us with a bright future. It is time to pay them back with the same love and kindness they have shown us over the years.


Since 1980, the United Nations has been actively engaged in raising public awareness of the importance of parenting. National Pay Back Your Parents Day was adopted in 2012, uniting the loving hearts of children who, in the eyes of their parents, will always remain small. This holiday is somewhat similar to Parents’ Day, but it carries an additional message of giving twice as much attention to our loved ones.

A study published in USA Today states that parents in the United States spend an average of more than $200,000 for each child up to the age of adulthood. This is a lot of money, but everyone puts in their best effort to give their child the best. In 1994, Bill Clinton even signed a proclamation recognizing the role of parents in parenting.

Fun facts

  • Parents don’t know everything, and sometimes it comes as a surprise.
  • Parents want and know how to have fun, watch cartoons, fool around, and play computer games.
  • Parents can be afraid of being adults, being responsible, making mistakes, and solving pressing problems.
  • Parents love their child more than anything on the planet.
  • Parents often have a favorite child, although this is something you can only realize when you become a parent yourself.

How to take part

Take a day off, visit your parents, even if they are in another city. Help them with repairs, buy groceries for a month, take them to the right place, give cool presents, make their dreams come true, or send them money to their card. Organize a cozy evening with them, cook delicious meals, and invite relatives to join in the celebration. Look through old photo albums and have a good time.

When is National Pay Back Your Parents Day in 2024?

National Pay Back Your Parents Day is observed on November 20 each year.


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