National German American Day - October 6
Sun, Oct 6, 2024

National German American Day

National German-American Day is a historical holiday held in the United States on October 6th every year. It is dedicated to the first German immigrants who arrived in America and had a huge impact on the culture and development of the country. The purpose of the holiday is to celebrate and commemorate the history of the Germans in America.


The earliest German immigrants arrived in Jamestown in 1608. During the early 1700s, many Germans moved to New York and Pennsylvania, and many of their descendants still live there today. The influx of German immigrants increased significantly in the late 1800s, as many sought political and religious freedom and refuge from revolutions.

During the Civil War, many Germans fought in the Union forces, and during this time period many German traditions were established which Americans still follow today, such as the practice of buying a Christmas tree for the holidays and sending children to kindergarten.

In 1987, National German-American Day was officially declared by Congress, recognizing the significant contributions of German-Americans to the United States.

Interesting facts

  • Donald Trump’s paternal grandparents were German immigrants.
  • The popular fast food items of hot dogs and hamburgers are of German origin.
  • The three dominant breweries in the United States have German roots.
  • Only 5% of people of German origin still speak their native language today.

How to take part

If you’d like to take part in the National German-American Day celebrations, there are several ways to do so. Consider visiting a restaurant and trying popular German dishes such as Weisswurst, beef rolls, Maultaschen, and Labskaus. Alternatively, you can also try making these dishes at home with the right recipe. Additionally, you can educate yourself and your loved ones on the history of German immigration to America and its impact.

When is National German American Day in 2024?

National German American Day is observed on October 6 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday October 6 2024
Monday October 6 2025
Tuesday October 6 2026
Wednesday October 6 2027
Friday October 6 2028
Saturday October 6 2029

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