National Barber Mental Health Awareness Day - May 19
Sun, May 19, 2024

National Barber Mental Health Awareness Day

A visit to a hairdresser resembles a psychotherapy session. The clients are ready to share their secrets and ask for advice. The hairdresser shows reciprocal interest. This is a holiday celebrated on May 19 and is called National Barber Mental Health Awareness Day. Working with people is not easy. At the end of a working day, a hairdresser feels tired of the endless flow of information. You should pay attention and make friendly and light-hearted conversation.


In 2020, the organization of hairdressers was created in the UK. They were trained to provide psychological assistance to their clients. This holiday was organized by the creators of the Booksy application, which unites employees working in the field of beauty and personal grooming services. Their goal was to provide support to employees of beauty salons, and make it clear they deserve rest and are not obliged to devote their lives to other people’s problems if it becomes hard to discuss. These creators are focused on organizing a professional space for barbers to discuss their own difficulties.

Interesting Facts

Scientists found a creative new hairstyle; the image has a positive effect on mood, helping one to be open, sociable, and confident.

  1. The barber’s profession is creative. It requires dedication, love of the work, and talent. Barbers work more than 40 hours a week to build a successful career in this competitive business.
  2. Americans prefer to visit their favorite barber. They choose a specialist and entrust their look to them.
  3. 70% of barbers prefer to work independently, developing in their profession along an individual path.

Show the barber your appreciation for their participation and work and express your appreciation. Excessive frankness makes the barber feel uncomfortable, so discuss abstract situations, not intimate things. Let’s respect their boundaries.

When is National Barber Mental Health Awareness Day in 2024?

National Barber Mental Health Awareness Day is observed on May 19 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday May 19 2024
Monday May 19 2025