I Love Lucy Day is a celebration of the iconic American sitcom that premiered on October 15th, 1951, and ran until 1957. On this day, fans of the show gather to remember the iconic comedy that families watched every Monday night. The show won numerous awards, including five Emmy Awards, and has become a cult classic.
The sitcom was filmed in Hollywood and featured a live audience. When the main character, Lucy, became pregnant, reruns of previously filmed episodes were shown. This innovation gave birth to the concept of reruns that we see today. I Love Lucy is still broadcast by some American channels and online services and is considered one of the longest-running TV shows of all time.
Interesting facts
- The first episode of the sitcom aired on October 15, 1951.
- An episode entitled “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” was watched by over 71% of US residents.
- In 2002, I Love Lucy was named the “Second Greatest Show of All Time” by TV Guide.
- It was the first American show to reach 10 million views.
How to take part
On I Love Lucy Day, fans of the show can get together with friends and family to re-watch their favorite episodes. Host an I Love Lucy party and let each of your friends play the role of a sitcom character. Decorate your home with I Love Lucy toys and collectibles, both old and new, and enjoy the night!
When is I Love Lucy Day in 2024?
I Love Lucy Day is observed on October 15 each year.
Weekday | Month | Day | Year |
Tuesday | October | 15 | 2024 |
Wednesday | October | 15 | 2025 |
Thursday | October | 15 | 2026 |
Friday | October | 15 | 2027 |
Sunday | October | 15 | 2028 |
Monday | October | 15 | 2029 |