Haryana Day - India
Fri, Nov 1, 2024

Haryana Day

Haryana Day is annually on the first day of November in India as a tribute to the state of Haryana. It is the largest supplier of basmati rice and is also a land of rich cultural heritage, with many historical places and attractions.


Haryana is renowned for its strategic location, which often made it a target of invasions throughout the centuries. The Indo-speaking population was predominant in the area, but due to the many invasions, the people mixed up. After numerous attempts, the Indian government decided to make Haryana an independent state, due to the distinct language spoken there.

Interesting facts

  • Haryana is one of the main tourist destinations in India, with a huge amount of cultural heritage to explore.
  • Local residents are mainly engaged in agriculture.
  • The state is called the land of gold medalists – in the 2010 Commonwealth Games, participants from Haryana won 22 of 38 gold medals for India.
  • Two Indian states – Haryana and Punjab – share a common capital – Chandigarh.
  • Local residents also enjoy the state for its beauty, referring to it as a ‘place of joy’.

How to take part

The best way to experience the unique culture and beauty of Haryana is to take a weekend trip and visit the various attractions. The National Cactus Botanical Garden in Panchkula is a must-see. Additionally, take the time to discover the state’s history and the events that have taken place over the centuries.

Once you have explored this fascinating region, don’t forget to share your experiences on social media. Doing so will allow you to spread the knowledge of Haryana’s culture and encourage people to be more tolerant and friendly.

When is Haryana Day in 2024?

Haryana Day is observed on November 1 each year.


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Friday November 1 2024
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