Gobstopper Day celebrates a beloved children’s candy. These hard candies, known as Gobstoppers or Jawbreakers in the United States, have captivated both adults and children, leading to the dedication of a special day on September 14th each year.
These candies first appeared in England and across the Americas in the 20th century. Originally called Jawbreakers due to their hardness, they required careful consumption to avoid dental damage.
Their popularity surged following Roald Dahl’s famous depiction in his story about a chocolate factory, featuring candies that changed colors and flavors. Beginning in 1976, Gobstoppers were manufactured with multiple layers of varying colors and flavors that dissolve sequentially in the mouth.
Producing Gobstoppers is a time-intensive process. They are made in large heated vats, where successive layers are applied to a sugar core. This process uses natural dyes and flavors, and the candies must be handled carefully to prevent them from bursting due to internal pressure differences between the liquid inner layers and the solid outer layers.
Interesting Facts
- Gobstoppers range from 1 to 3 cm in diameter.
- The term ‘gob’ is Irish slang for mouth, which fittingly relates to the candy’s effect of ‘stopping the mouth’—you cannot chew it without risking dental damage.
- The production of a single Gobstopper can take several weeks.
How to Take Part
Celebrate Gobstopper Day by indulging in these unique lollipops. Organize a friendly competition with friends to see who can hold the most candies in their mouth—just be careful of your teeth!
Commemorate the day by gifting Gobstoppers with a thoughtful note. Enjoy watching ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ or reading Dahl’s original book that inspired these fascinating candies.
When is Gobstopper Day in 2024?
Gobstopper Day is observed on September 14 each year.
Weekday | Month | Day | Year |
Saturday | September | 14 | 2024 |
Sunday | September | 14 | 2025 |
Monday | September | 14 | 2026 |
Tuesday | September | 14 | 2027 |
Thursday | September | 14 | 2028 |
Friday | September | 14 | 2029 |