Distaff Day - January 7
Tue, Jan 7, 2025

Distaff Day

Distaff Day is on January 7 and symbolizes the end of holidays. It’s time to get to work, which is to create beauty with the help of an ancient device for weaving and knitting. What do you know about this kind of work? Perhaps you are still doing it to this day?


I would like medieval traditions to be remembered, but today, in most cases, yarn is bought, not created independently. In the past, this was a very attractive business. The distaff had a simple design that made it easy to use. The output was smooth and strong threads. The girls got together on cold winter evenings, spun, and discussed pressing matters.

Initially, the thread had to be twisted by hand, then a spindle and a hand-operated spinning wheel appeared. In ancient Rome, the device was given great attention and modernized. The distaff was further developed in the German town of Brunswick. Stonemason Jurgens invented the foot-operated device in 1530. This freed both hands, so the process went much faster. A fully mechanized design appeared in 1741.

The drive has changed over the years. In the final stages, steam was used, and then completely electric. The domestic purpose gradually changed to industrial.

Interesting Facts


  • girls always wanted to see the yarn tool beautiful and neat, so they decorated it in every possible way;
  • today they are happy to use such devices, but mostly it is a piece of antiquity;
  • the spinning wheel “Jenny” is known for its eight spindles. It has gone down in history.

How to Celebrate

Find out more about the activity on Distaff Day! If you have experience in such work, teach everyone who wants to learn. Share information on social media—you can gather an interested group this way!

When is Distaff Day in 2025?

Distaff Day is observed on January 7 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday January 7 2025
Wednesday January 7 2026
Thursday January 7 2027
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