Confucius Day - September 29
Sun, Sep 29, 2024

Confucius Day

Confucius Day is celebrated every year on September 29. It is an excellent occasion to learn more about the life of this scientist and philosopher. Confucius was born in China, but thanks to his works, he is known worldwide. Many scholars refer to his works, writings, and theses. For more than 2,500 years, the philosophy of this outstanding teacher has influenced society and its development.


There is no reliable birthdate for Confucius, but according to one version, he was born on September 28 in 551 BC. The boy grew up in the small town of Qufu, located in the province of Shandong. Some sources indicate that his father was a soldier of noble origin but died when the boy was only three years old. After the tragic event, the family became poor, but this did not prevent the child from succeeding in life and even becoming the greatest ideologist of his time.

Interesting Facts

  • At the age of 22, Confucius opened his first private school. Already at this young age, the students respectfully called him ‘teacher’.
  • Many students of Confucius became nobles and successful politicians.
  • At the age of 50, the philosopher became the Minister of Justice.
  • In the last years of his life, Confucius traveled and spread his teachings.
  • He dreamed that his philosophy would change Chinese culture, and it did – the Chinese government officially proclaimed the teachings of Confucius as the state philosophy.

How to take part

The philosopher preached two basic virtues – zhong and shu, which mean equal love for oneself, as well as others. Try to follow this philosophy. Familiarize yourself with the teachings of this master, as they contain many important principles that modern society, unfortunately, often forgets. Many concepts, such as restraint, wisdom, courage, mutual respect, and honesty, can and should be applied. If you have the opportunity, visit China, the birthplace of Confucius.

When is Confucius Day in 2024?

Confucius Day is observed on September 29 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday September 29 2024
Monday September 29 2025
Tuesday September 29 2026
Wednesday September 29 2027
Friday September 29 2028
Saturday September 29 2029

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