San Jacinto Day - April 21
Sun, Apr 21, 2024

San Jacinto Day

San Jacinto Day is an American holiday that commemorates the final battle for Texas’ Independence. After it, it completely seceded from Mexico, and for some time was an independent Republic until it became part of the United States in 1845. It is celebrated annually on April 21.


The decisive battle of the Texas War of Independence took place on this date in 1836 on lands now owned by Harris County. The army of Texas was led by S. Houston. He decided to launch a swift attack on the Mexicans, which ended up taking 18 minutes. General A. Lopez and his army were defeated, and the report of the battle written immediately after the battle by Houston was analyzed and verified many times, resulting in many rumors and legends about the event.

At the end of the battle, a treaty was signed establishing Texas as an independent state. Houston became president of the newly formed independent republic.

Interesting facts

  • In such a swift battle the Mexicans lost about six hundred men killed.
  • The modern American city of Houston is named after General Samuel Houston.
  • At the site of the battle every year there is a festival where viewers can see a reconstruction of the legendary battle.

How to celebrate

Learn more details about the Battle of San Jacinto that day. Watch documentaries and visit the museum. Visit the site of the battle and enjoy the atmosphere of the festival.

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When San Jacinto Day celebrated in 2024?

San Jacinto Day is observed on April 21 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday April 21 2024
Monday April 21 2025

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