Benjamin Harrison Day - march
Mon, Mar 4, 2024

Benjamin Harrison Day

Benjamin Harrison Day is an annual American holiday commemorating the 23rd president of the United States. This man, like other presidents, has played a role in the development of the state as a whole, so today we celebrate this day! It is celebrated on March 4.


The path to governing the country B. Harrison began by trying to become governor of Indiana, but he was not successful in that direction. He later managed to get into the U.S. Senate, where he stayed from ’81 to ’87 of the 19th century.

The assumption of the presidency occurred in 1888. He belonged to the Republican Party and was eventually able to beat his main rival, Democrat G. Cleveland, in the presidential race. In the eyes of historians, his reign is considered a corrupt period in U.S. history. The president introduced the McKinley Tariff of 1890, which increased federal spending by as much as a billion dollars. This amount was a real record. It is believed that such a law was designed to support the rich, with the result that the poor suffered.

At the same time, there were positive aspects to Harrison’s politics. Under his reign, the U.S. Navy was greatly strengthened and expanded, and the development of the forest reserve sector was seen. In addition, six more states were added to the United States during his reign.

Interesting facts

  • Б. Harrison was elected president for one term. His authority was established from March 4, 1889, to March 3, 1993.
  • Б. Harrison was the grandson of the ninth president of the United States, W. G. Harrison.
  • Benjamin was a participant in the American Civil War. He fought on the side of the Union Army.

How to celebrate

On this day, learn more facts about the life of B. Harrison. Go to the museum to listen to the tour guide talk about the era of this president’s reign. Share this new information with family and friends.

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When is Benjamin Harrison Day in 2024?

Benjamin Harrison Day is observed on March 4 each year.


Monday march 4 2024
Tuesday march 4 2025
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