World Juggling Day - June
Sat, Jun 14, 2025

World Juggling Day

Many of us loved going to the circus as children, captivated by the bright and unusual performances. Adults can return to their childhood and celebrate World Juggling Day, a day that fascinates children and adults alike with the art of juggling. It’s not surprising that World Juggling Day appeared on the calendar.


The International Jugglers’ Association founded World Juggling Day to highlight the popularity of juggling around the world. Initially, the holiday was national, but given its widespread appeal and global popularity, it was granted international status.

June 17 marks the founding date of the International Jugglers’ Association, making it the basis for selecting the date of celebration.

Interesting Facts About Juggling

  • The first mention of juggling appeared about 4,000 years ago. Archaeologists found drawings of people juggling in ancient Egyptian tombs.
  • In China, warriors practiced juggling, as recorded in the book “Liezi,” which describes a warrior skillfully handling seven swords. Warriors also tossed weapons to intimidate enemies.
  • Tagatus Ursus, the first recorded person to use glass juggling balls, lived in Rome.
  • Juggling is referenced in Norse mythology, with many stories showcasing this art.
  • Enrico Rastelli, the most famous juggler in the world, mastered handling nine balls during his short life.
  • Juggling is an excellent way to lose weight, burning about 300 calories per hour. It also stimulates both hemispheres of the brain.

How to Take Part

Try your hand at juggling, or if you’re already a professional, delight your friends and family with an exciting performance. You can also perform online with a live broadcast on social media using the hashtag #WorldJugglingDay.

When is World Juggling Day in 2025?

World Juggling Day is observed on the closest Saturday to June 17.


Weekday Month Day Year
Saturday June 14 2025
Saturday June 19 2026
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