World Gin Day - June
Sat, Jun 8, 2024

World Gin Day

If you know which drink is made from the best grain alcohol, juniper berries, and other spices, the second Saturday of the first summer month is a special occasion for you to enjoy its exquisite, tart taste and celebrate World Gin Day.


The history of World Gin Day has not yet acquired legends or mystical stories since it was first in 2009. The founder, Neil Houston, is an admirer of gin. Initially, he liked to gather with friends to enjoy the luxurious varieties of his favorite drink and also taste new items. Quite quickly, this tradition spread in America and gradually throughout the world.

Gin is a drink with a rich history worthy of celebration and reverence. Initially, it was used as a medicine, as well as an additive that gives the medicine a more pleasant taste. In the past, quinine, the processed bark of the cinchona plant, was used to treat malaria. The medicine was very bitter, so gin was added to it.

Interesting Facts

  • The geographic boundaries and scale of the event are growing so rapidly that it needed a coordinator. Emma Stokes, also known as Gin Monkey, became the director of World Gin Day. She is a great connoisseur of the drink, knows a huge number of cocktails, and has worked in many cities and countries. Her mission is to tell the whole world about gin cocktails and the culture of its consumption.
  • In the middle of the last century, an international law was adopted which fixed the strength of the original gin at 37.5%. If the indicator is lower, the aroma of the drink is distorted and becomes unpleasant.
  • London dry gin is traditionally used in cocktails.
  • The most gin is consumed in the Philippines – about 43% of the world turnover.
  • Gin has been the national drink of Great Britain since the 17th century.

How to Take Part

World Gin Day is cheerfully and on a grand scale – festivals and cocktail contests are held. You can visit the National Gin Museum, which is located in Hasselt, Belgium.

The easiest way to join the celebration is to go to a bar that makes gin cocktails. You can have a party and experiment with your favorite drink with friends, using different combinations of ingredients.

When is World Gin Day in 2024?

World Gin Day is observed on the second Saturday in June each year.


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