Thanksgiving - November
Mon, Nov 13, 2023


Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday of November every year. It is the most important family holiday, with Christmas preparations and Black Friday sales right around the corner.


The origin of the holiday dates back to 1620 when settlers from England landed in Massachusetts and founded the Plymouth Colony. The climate was too harsh for them, so many people simply died. The Indians taught the settlers to grow various crops on this land and the first harvest was successful. To celebrate their gratitude to God, the governor of the colony issued a decree to hold a feast. They invited the leader of the tribe to the feast to thank him for his help.

When America became a unified nation, Thanksgiving dates changed with new presidents. Some states claimed their own days, so the holiday was celebrated in discord. In 1941, a single date was established and has been in force ever since. Today, families are reunited and words of gratitude are pronounced. On the table there is always a stuffed turkey, cranberry sauce or juice, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and other traditional dishes.

Interesting facts

  • Some argue that turkey was initially as part of Thanksgiving. Others say that it was the first game caught at that time, so it became a symbol of the holiday. Decide for yourself who to believe.
  • Families attend a parade dedicated to the date: it takes place in Manhattan and is colorful and large.
  • The White House has a tradition of pardoning one turkey a year. A bird is selected and sent to a farm or zoo to live out its life.

How to take part

Gather the family for a festive dinner: think over the dishes in advance, learn unusual recipes, and learn how to beautifully set the table. Celebrate the day together, have fun, and listen to good music. If you can’t physically be with your family, send cards or make video calls.

When is Thanksgiving celebrated in 2023?

Thanksgiving is observed on the fourth Thursday of November each year.


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