Newspaper Columnists Day - April 18
Fri, Apr 18, 2025

Newspaper Columnists Day

Newspaper Columnists Day is an annual American holiday dedicated to newspaper columnists. It is a creative and challenging profession that requires a variety of skills. You cannot just become a columnist! You must have a strong command of language, be a master of text, and possess an inherent talent for writing. The holiday is celebrated on April 18.


The exact year of the origin of Newspaper Columnists Day is not well-documented. The holiday was established in honor of columnist Ernie Pyle, who died during World War II in 1945. He worked for the public good, bringing people firsthand information from the front lines. His articles often highlighted the heroic deeds of ordinary American soldiers.

Before the war, Ernie was a Scripps Howard reporter who traveled extensively and interacted with ordinary people, whom he later wrote about in his columns. This approach earned him considerable popularity. When the U.S. entered the war, he reported from the hottest spots. War correspondent Ernie Pyle died at the Battle of Okinawa in Japan.

This day not only honors the memory of fallen journalists but also serves as a reminder of how dangerous and responsible this profession can be. A columnist must be not only a talented writer but also a person of integrity and education, able to objectively perceive and convey new information to the public.

Interesting Facts

  • Alexander the Great is considered a progenitor of military journalism. He took trained men on his campaigns, who then recorded events, preserving them in history and praising the commander.
  • The first printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1455.

How to Celebrate

Congratulate family and friends who work in journalism. Read your favorite newspapers and magazines on this day. Listen to interviews with journalists or other people of interest.

Spread the word about the holiday on social media. Ask others how they feel about journalists and whether they would like to work in this field themselves.

When is Newspaper Columnists Day in 2025?

Newspaper Columnists Day is observed on April 18 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday April 18 2025
Saturday April 18 2026
Sunday April 18 2027
Tuesday April 18 2028
Wednesday April 18 2029