National Tater Day - March 31
Mon, Mar 31, 2025

National Tater Day

National Tater Day is an American annual holiday devoted to the potato. There are a huge variety of ways to prepare this root vegetable: it can be baked, mashed, fried, turned into chips, or boiled. Potatoes are an integral part of many dishes in different cuisines around the world! The holiday is observed on March 31.


The history of National Tater Day is not reliably known, but many researchers believe that the holiday dates back to 1843. At that time, traders would meet to exchange the potatoes they had already grown and to purchase seedlings for further cultivation of this vegetable.

Potatoes have been known to humanity since ancient times. They appeared more than 3 million years ago in South America, but the first credible cases of their cultivation and consumption were much later. Research estimates that potatoes began to be cultivated by local indigenous tribes in the area of modern Bolivia 9,000-7,000 years ago.

Potatoes grew well at altitude, which is why they were often planted atop the mountain valleys of the Andes. The plant is unpretentious in care and growing conditions, which contributed to its widespread popularity. The introduction of the potato to Europe took place during the Age of Discovery. Today, we celebrate National Tater Day to remember the history of the potato and enjoy dishes based on it!

Interesting facts

  • The potato is believed to have been introduced to Europe by Francis Drake in the fall of 1580. A monument to Drake was even erected in Offenburg in recognition of his contributions to improving the diet of the inhabitants of Europe. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by the Nazis in 1933.
  • Wild potatoes grow only in South America; in the rest of the world, only domesticated potatoes can be found.
  • In ancient Inca culture, the potato was used not only as food but also as medicine. Potato slices were applied to broken bones to accelerate healing. Potatoes were also used as a preventive measure for rheumatism and toothaches.

How to celebrate

Visit cafes or restaurants to try the best potato dishes prepared by professional chefs! You can also make your own favorite potato dishes or try something new—there are lots of recipes available online.

Spread the word on social media. Ask users what potato dishes they cook most often.

When is National Tater Day in 2025?

National Tater Day is observed on March 31 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday March 31 2025
Tuesday March 31 2026
Wednesday March 31 2027
Friday March 31 2028
Saturday March 31 2029

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