National Grey Day - May 26
Sun, May 26, 2024

National Grey Day

National Grey Day is an American holiday dedicated to this color, as well as just a word, which can be a last name or the name of a town or other. It is celebrated annually on May 26.


The history of National Grey Day is not known. The name Grey originally stood for the Burnia tribe who inhabited what is now the region on the border between Scotland and England. Later it came to mean a person with gray hair. Probably from this comparison the color we know as gray is so called.

The surname Grey, which is common in Scotland, is quite popular. Today it is also often found among the inhabitants of the United States. This peculiarity is due to the great migration of Scots to America, who were trying to escape persecution and get rid of poverty, starting a new life in a large and free country. Migration processes began as early as the 18th century. Also, some researchers note that people with the surname Grey settled in the United States, ahead of even the first settlers.

Interesting facts

  • According to recent censuses, there are more than 5 million Americans of Scottish descent living in the United States.
  • Gray has the status of an English noble family name, as it was worn by some members of the upper classes in England.
  • “The Portrait of Dorian Gray is a famous novel by O. Wilde, whose main character bears that sonorous English surname. It became especially popular after its adaptation in 2009.

How to celebrate

Research more details about the use of Grey as a surname and toponymic name. Are there any people you know with this surname, what do they know about it?

Spread the word about the holiday on social media. Ask users if they like the color gray. Are there any people with the last name Grey among them?

When is National Grey Day celebrated in 2024?

National Grey Day is observed on May 26 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday May 26 2024
Monday May 26 2025

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