National Gluten Free Day - January
Mon, Jan 13, 2025

National Gluten Free Day

National Gluten Free Day is by people who have an intolerance to the protein found in cereal products. In America, over 2.5 million people follow a gluten-free diet daily! We are sure they deserve our respect and attention.


Throughout history, bread has been treated with special love. People were always happy when the wheat harvest was better than the previous year. They did not know that there is a special element in common foods that can negatively affect the body. Neuroscientist David Perlmutter is convinced that gluten compromises digestion, the brain, and the nervous system – he has gathered a lot of evidence.

However, there is another perspective that emerged from the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. It suggests that people who can tolerate gluten normally do not lose anything by eating it. On the contrary, in moderation, it brings benefits! However, 1% of people are still at risk: they have celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that makes it impossible to enjoy foods with gluten.

Cassie Joy Garcia, the founder of National Gluten Free Day, dreamed of informing people about this disease and discussing ways to combat it. The holiday has been since 2014, and even healthy people join in to show care to everyone who does not consume gluten.

Interesting Facts

Did you know that gluten:

  • Affects performance. Children who perform poorly in school are sometimes given gluten-free diets;
  • Creates headaches. Severe migraines are a complex neurological syndrome;
  • Causes anemia – impaired absorption of iron;
  • Leads to weight changes – both positive and negative.

How to Celebrate

Support people with intolerance on National Gluten Free Day! Avoid foods containing gluten. Prepare a delicious gluten-free dish – today, there are many recipes that will surprise anyone.

When is National Gluten Free Day in 2025?

National Gluten Free Day is observed on the second Monday in January each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday January 13 2025
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