National Fig Newton Day - January 16
Thu, Jan 16, 2025

National Fig Newton Day

National Fig Newton Day is an American holiday dedicated to fig cookies. These delicious treats have been known for over a century. Their invention is connected with the recommendations of doctors of that time, who believed that increased consumption of fruits and biscuits could alleviate digestive problems. The holiday is annually on January 16th.


There is historical evidence that fig rolls were known in ancient Egypt and were a treat for rulers and representatives of the upper class.

The modern distribution of these sweet products was made possible thanks to Charles Roser. In 1891, he created a machine that made it possible to introduce fig filling directly into the dough. Then the raw dough with the filling was sent to the oven, where it was baked until done.

After signing several agreements to transfer the rights to bake fig rolls, they became a staple of Nabisco. Now these products are known as “Fig Newtons.”

Interesting facts

  • The fig roll was named after the city of Newton, Massachusetts, not the famous physicist Isaac Newton.
  • Dried figs were in demand in the army. It is known that Alexander the Great took them on campaigns, as they could be stored for a long time and were very nutritious.
  • The fig tree is a real long-liver, bearing fruit for an average of 350 years.

How to celebrate

Visit a bakery for a hot fig roll. If you love to cook, then National Fig Newton Day is a great opportunity to learn how to bake these wonderful treats named after Newton.

Share information about the holiday on social networks. Discuss with other users your impressions of fig rolls and tell them when you first tried them.

When is National Fig Newton Day in 2025?

National Fig Newton Day is observed on January 16 each year.


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