National Entrepreneur's Day - November
Tue, Nov 19, 2024

National Entrepreneur’s Day

National Entrepreneurs Day is in the United States every third Tuesday in November. This holiday is dedicated to all businessmen and women who have been instrumental in creating the world we live in today. They have provided us with many of the products and services we use in our everyday lives.


National Entrepreneurs Day was created by the co-founders of Grasshopper in 2010. The intention of the holiday is to recognize the hard work that entrepreneurs have undertaken, and to tell their stories of success, even in difficult situations. Though the holiday has yet to become official, President Barack Obama endorsed it in 2012, and various events, meetings, lectures, and ceremonies are held to observe it.

Interesting facts

  • The first advertisement was printed in 1477 in England and advertised a prayer book.
  • Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, is colorblind and cannot distinguish between red and green, which is why blue was chosen for the logo.
  • 65 people become millionaires every day.
  • It is estimated that every tenth European was conceived on an Ikea bed.
  • 90% of establishments close in the first year after opening.
  • The best-selling product on the planet is gasoline, with coffee coming in a close second.
  • 25% of successful millionaires have no formal education.

How to take part

If you want to take part in National Entrepreneurs Day, you could:

  • Meet with friends and like-minded people to discuss interesting projects or come up with new ones.
  • Attend lectures, seminars, and other events related to the holiday.
  • Spread the word about National Entrepreneurs Day on social media.

When is National Entrepreneurs Day in 2024?

National Entrepreneurs Day is observed on the third Tuesday of November each year.


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Tuesday November 17 2026
Tuesday November 16 2027
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