National Cranberry Relish Day - November 22
Fri, Nov 22, 2024

National Cranberry Relish Day

National Cranberry Relish Day is widely in the US on November 22nd, as this date highlights the importance of cranberry sauce in celebration meals. Many Americans can’t imagine a festive dinner without this classic addition to the menu.


Researchers believe that cranberry sauce first appeared in New England in the early 1900s, but it did not gain popularity due to people’s reluctance to change their diets. That is until 1950, when a popular radio show broadcast a recipe for cranberry sauce. This revolutionized the dish’s place in America’s culinary history. The show’s host, an American culinary writer, had invited a popular journalist, Susan Stamberg, to discuss festive dishes. It was her mother-in-law’s recipe that defined cranberry sauce’s place as a classic in the US.

Interesting facts

  • Cranberries consist of 90% water.
  • In the 17th century, it was known as “bearberry” as bears were often seen eating it.
  • Cranberries can bounce if picked at different ripeness.
  • It was used by the Native Americans to preserve its quality by rubbing it into a paste and combining it with dried meat.
  • Cranberries are the official state berry of Massachusetts (law adopted in 1994).
  • They have a beneficial effect on the body, removing toxins and acting as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Cranberries do not grow in the southern hemisphere.
  • They require ample light when ripening.
  • Traditionally, cranberries were preserved in water-filled oak barrels.
  • Cranberry sauce is often served with lingonberries.

How to take part

National Cranberry Relish Day is the perfect time to explore and create your own version of cranberry sauce. Try out different recipes, identify their differences, and think about how to improve them. Come up with a name for your unique version and invite friends over for a tasting. You can also go cranberry harvesting!

When is National Cranberry Relish Day in 2024?

National Cranberry Relish Day is observed on November 22 each year.


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