National Chocolate Eclair Day - June 22
Sat, Jun 22, 2024

National Chocolate Eclair Day

National Chocolate Eclair Day can offer a great opportunity to grab a doughnut if you missed National Doughnut Day! Even if you celebrated that unusual holiday earlier this month, today’s a perfect day to eat a chocolate eclair! Chocolate eclairs are oblong pastries made with choux dough, filled with cream, and topped with chocolate icing. The dough is usually formed into an oblong shape with a pastry bag and baked. The pastry is then typically filled with a chocolate-flavored custard or cream, and chocolate icing is applied to the top. In the United States, chocolate eclairs are normally filled with vanilla pudding or custard.

Celebrate this fun holiday by visiting your favorite bakery and buying a chocolate eclair or seven! Wake up early and serve your family chocolate eclairs in bed! If you are running late to work, go to the doughnut shop and buy a box of chocolate eclairs for your boss and coworkers. Tell your boss that you were late in honor of National Chocolate Eclair Day! Have a competition with your friends to see who can eat the most chocolate eclairs! Buy a ton of chocolate eclairs and try to break the record for the world’s largest! However you decide to spend National Chocolate Eclair Day, we wish you an extra delicious and chocolatey day!

National Chocolate Eclair Day Fun Facts

  • Eclair means “lightning” in French. Many people believe that eclairs got their name from the glistening sparkles from the frosting that resemble a lightning bolt.
  • Although the origin of the chocolate eclair is unknown, it has been hypothesized that Marie-Antoine (Antonin) Carême, a French chef, made the first chocolate eclair.
  • The oldest recorded eclair recipe discovered in an American cookbook is from 1884.
  • The most popular chocolate eclair filling is vanilla cream or whipped cream.
  • In the United States, a chocolate eclair is sometimes referred to as a “Long John.” A Long John is an elongated doughnut filled with custard, cream, or jelly and covered in chocolate frosting.

National Chocolate Eclair Day Jokes

  • A policeman pulls a man over for speeding and asks him to get out of the car. After looking the man over he says, “Sir, I couldn’t help but notice your eyes are bloodshot. Have you been drinking?” The man gets really indignant and says, “Officer, I couldn’t help but notice your eyes are glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts? A chocolate eclair perhaps?”

  • Dear Chocolate Eclair, Thank you for making my hour-long Zumba class worthless. Sincerely, Overweight Mom. Today is a perfect day to loudly eclair that I couldn’t care less.

  • Why do officers never eat chocolate eclairs?
  • Cops can’t put their thumbs through them to chase down criminals!

  • Why did the chocolate eclair have to go to the dentist?
  • It needed a chocolate filling!

National Chocolate Eclair Day Quotes

  • “He has no more backbone than a chocolate eclair.” – Theodore Roosevelt
  • “I owe it all to little chocolate donuts.” – John Belushi
  • “Even in the old days, we’d make an effort. When I’d go out to score on Eighth Avenue, I’d get my junk and a chocolate doughnut. But I’d always also pick up one of those pita-pocket health food sandwiches. You know, something really good for me.” – Steven Tyler

National Chocolate Eclair Day Destinations

  • Wake up early and go to the doughnut shop to order a chocolate eclair!
  • Go on vacation to France, the place where eclairs originated!

This holiday has also been called: Chocolate Eclair Day, International Chocolate Eclair Day, Chocolate Eclairs Day, National Chocolate Eclairs Day, and International Chocolate Eclairs Day.

June 22nd is also Great American Backyard Campout, Soap Microphone Day, and Stupid Guy Thing Day!

National Chocolate Eclair Day is celebrated in June, which is: Adopt-A-Cat Month, Fight the Filthy Fly Month, Great Outdoors Month, LGBT Pride Month, National Accordion Awareness Month, National Candy Month, National Dairy Month, National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month, National Rose Month, National Turkey Lovers’ Month, and National Zoo and Aquarium Month!

When is National Chocolate Eclair Day in 2024?

National Chocolate Eclair Day is observed on June 22 each year.


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