National Caviar Day - July 8
Thu, Jul 18, 2024

National Caviar Day

National Caviar Day is annually on July 18. This appetizer is made from sturgeon caviar, traditionally served on sandwiches with butter. Another popular dish is pancakes with caviar and sour cream. Some people add their favorite herbs and pickled onions. National Caviar Day is a great occasion to pamper yourself and enjoy the taste of an exquisite delicacy.


It is known that Byzantine Greeks used caviar in the 10th century. But they were not the first nation to recognize the taste and prospects of sturgeon caviar. By the 9th century, it was traded between the Byzantine Empire and Kievan Rus. There is also evidence that Batu Khan used caviar in the early 13th century. In America, the caviar business developed rapidly towards the end of the 19th century. The first business for the production and sale of caviar was organized by an immigrant from Germany, Henry Schacht, in 1873. He became the first entrepreneur to sell the delicacy around the world; its original price was about $26, adjusted for inflation.

Interesting Facts About Caviar

  • The price of the most expensive caviar is 40 thousand euros per kilogram.
  • Caviar comes in different varieties, depending on the shade and size of the eggs. The color varies from light gray to black.
  • It is forbidden to serve caviar on silver dishes, as silver negatively affects its taste.
  • The Turkish word for caviar is havyar, which means egg.
  • The best caviar in the world is made from Russian sturgeon, beluga, or stellate sturgeon.

How to Take Part

Obviously, the best way to celebrate National Caviar Day is to treat yourself to this delicacy. If you cannot buy this expensive product, read on the Internet about it – how it is produced and eaten, what nutrients it contains. Share the holiday on social media, using the #NationalCaviarDay hashtag.

When is National Caviar Day in 2024?

National Caviar Day is observed on July 18 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday July 18 2024
Friday July 18 2025
Saturday July 18 2026
Sunday July 18 2027
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