National Blueberry Muffin Day - July 11
Thu, Jul 11, 2024

National Blueberry Muffin Day

National Blueberry Muffin Day was created specifically for those who love the aroma and taste of the summer berry—blueberries. Fragrant baking is appropriate for any holiday; it will be a great start to the day, but, of course, blueberry muffins are perfect at any time of the day.


The blueberry muffin has a story of culinary success. Blueberries have been used for baking in America for a long time, becoming very popular. When Pilgrims arrived in America, they noticed blueberries were practically unused. Since then, blueberries have been added to baked goods, ice cream, and pancakes, and frozen berries are added to drinks and smoothies. Pickled blueberries are a great base for sweets. But National Blueberry Muffin Day is dedicated to a specific dessert—the blueberry muffin. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say exactly when it became a national holiday.

Interesting Facts

  • The best breakfast in America is a blueberry muffin and a glass of milk or a cup of coffee.
  • Muffins can be eaten warm or cold; a cold one does not lose its taste and aroma.
  • To spice up the muffins, you can use your favorite syrup or chocolate icing.
  • Blueberry bushes were only grown on an industrial scale in the 1900s. Berries are not only tasty but also healthy—they are rich in vitamins C and B6.
  • Regular consumption of blueberries improves digestion, mental state, strengthens the heart muscle, and gives the skin a healthy look.

How to Take Part

Visit your nearest bakery and order some fresh, flavorful muffins. If you love to bake, search the Internet for a recipe and bake muffins for your loved ones and close friends. Don’t forget to share with your neighbors. Share your progress on social media with the hashtag #NationalBlueberryMuffinDay. Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the amazing taste, pleasant emotions, and sincere joy that dessert and good company will give.

When is National Blueberry Muffin Day in 2024?

National Blueberry Muffin Day is associated with the anticipation of happiness and joy. It is observed on July the 11th each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday July 11 2024
Friday July 11 2025
Saturday July 11 2026
Sunday July 11 2027
Tuesday July 11 2028
Wednesday July 11 2029

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