National Atheist’s Day - April 1
Sun, Mar 23, 2025

National Atheist’s Day

National Atheists Day is an American holiday dedicated to atheists. This term refers to people who do not believe in God. Today, we no longer despise atheists because everyone has the right to freedom of religion, even if their faith is absent. The holiday is celebrated annually on March 23.


There is no reliable information about the origin of National Atheists Day. It was probably created by followers of atheism to assert their right not to believe in God and to give others the choice of joining them or staying with their faith.

Many scholars suggest that atheism is as old as any religion. There is historical evidence that the Lokayata school of materialism existed in ancient India. Its representatives opposed priests, religious dues, and other religious practices. That is, they were opposed to faith. Such unbelievers can be found in any culture.

Atheism today often has a generally accepted form. Atheists hold to the idea that there is no God. But they believe in their personal strength and rely only on themselves. Such people can be considered adherents of science because they deny the existence of anything supernatural and mystical.

Interesting Facts

  • Atheists had a particularly difficult time in the Middle Ages. Many people pretended to be believers because they had no other choice. The Holy Inquisition was ready to execute anyone who was against religion. Such a person was immediately branded a sorcerer, a dark magician, or an apostate to the church.
  • There are more atheists today than at any other time in history, but because of the ever-increasing population, their proportion is declining!
  • In Pakistan, if a person writes “atheist” under religion when applying for a passport, they will simply not be issued a passport.

How to Celebrate

Congratulate friends and acquaintances who are atheists on National Atheists Day. Learn more about the philosophy of atheism today. What are the differences between the various representatives of atheism?

Spread the word on social media! Ask other users what faith they follow.

When is National Atheists Day in 2025?

National Atheists Day is observed on March 23 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday March 23 2025
Monday March 23 2026
Tuesday March 23 2027
Thursday March 23 2028
Friday March 23 2029

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