International Stout Day - November
Thu, Nov 7, 2024

International Stout Day

International Stout Day is a celebration of the dark, strong beer stout, which was first brewed in the early 18th century from porters. In many countries, this drink has become one of the most beloved, which is why a personal holiday has been created in its honor. The characteristic features of the drink are its high strength and rich taste, with it traditionally being drunk slowly and savored.


If you are interested in International Stout Day, you probably know the difference between stouts and porters. Experts note that the difference is subtle, barely distinguishable. For the preparation of porters, malted barley is used, while for the preparation of stouts, unmalted, roasted barley is used, giving the drink a light coffee flavor.

The first porters appeared in England in the first half of the 18th century and were quickly embraced by many due to their pronounced taste and the ability to keep fresh for a long time. The first stout porter appeared in 1730, but the term stout was used as early as 1677 to refer to any beer with a high strength.

Interesting facts

  • In 1776, in England, Arthur Guinness was producing a delicious porter at his famous brewery.
  • The drink acquired its characteristic black color only in the 19th century, when patented malt was used.
  • The word stout in translation means proud or brave, but in relation to beer, the meaning is strong. Initially, stouts were drunk by porters, who were distinguished by their strong physique.
  • Today, manufacturers offer a large selection of stouts, such as milk, oatmeal, or chocolate.
  • Many experts call the production of stouts an industrial revolution.
  • Stouts have a rich, strong taste of roasted malt with hints of coffee, chocolate, and caramel.

How to take part

Grab a glass of great stout, but don’t get carried away. If you come across information that this type of beer was recommended to pregnant women and people after surgery, remember that this was a long time ago. Since then, times have changed. Today, many brands produce stouts, but Guinness remains the most popular, having been producing this type of beer since the early 19th century. If you’re a beginner and don’t have a favorite stout yet, order a sampler – several different flavors are served on a tray. You can also try making your own stout, as all the necessary ingredients are available for purchase.

When is International Stout Day in 2024?

International Stout Day is observed on the first Thursday of November each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday November 7 2024
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