International Conscientious Objectors Day - May 15
Wed, May 15, 2024

International Conscientious Objectors Day

International Conscientious Objectors Day is a worldwide holiday dedicated to conscientious objectors. Many people consider them traitors to their homeland, because in this way the army’s combat potential is reduced and it may become weaker. However, it’s not that simple. With an alternative point of view on this issue and invites to get acquainted with the holiday, annually on May 15.


The history of International Conscientious Objectors Day begins with the union’s Peace Pledge initiative. Its purpose is to raise public awareness of conscientious objectors. The creators of this day support the view that every person should have the right to decide whether to be trained in the military or not.

Refusers to military service are associated with the anti-war movement. They do not want to participate in military conflicts or even be trained in military structures because of their own worldview and religious faith. It would be nice to create a form of peace where every state completely abandoned the military and then all conflicts would disappear (except for civil uprisings, maybe), since there would be no people who could participate in them and would have special skills/knowledge.

Interesting facts

  • In the U.S., there is no conscription, meaning that anyone can enlist only by choice and for pay. In some countries conscription is still in effect.
  • The first mention of a conscientious objector dates back to 295 B.C. in ancient Rome. A man named Maximilian refused to serve in the army because of his religion. However, he was later executed.
  • There is a pacifist movement that includes people who oppose all military actions and conflicts. For them the main value is human life.

How to celebrate

Explore the essence of the antiwar movement in more detail. What do you think about conscientious objectors? Share your opinion on social media. Discuss this topic with other users.

When is International Conscientious Objectors Day in 2024?

International Conscientious Objectors Day is observed on May 15 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Wednesday May 15 2024
Thursday May 15 2025

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