Cow Appreciation Day - July
Tue, Jul 9, 2024

Cow Appreciation Day

Cow Appreciation Day is on the second Tuesday of July in America. This unique holiday was created by the Chick-fil-A restaurant chain. As part of a clever marketing strategy, customers are invited to show respect for cows and enjoy chicken sandwiches as an alternative to beef. As an added bonus, one sandwich on Cow Appreciation Day is free.


Cow Appreciation Day was first in 2004. Initially, it was a humorous campaign that began in 1995. The idea behind the event was to tell cafe visitors that cows dream of people eating less beef and more chicken. The organizers aimed to highlight the importance of cows to humans: they provide milk, which is used to make cheese, yogurt, and delicious ice cream. According to statistics, people consume dairy products much more often than beef. This event serves as a reminder of the importance of appreciating animals.

Interesting Facts

  • Dairy farming began in the 1900s with the introduction of a processing technique called pasteurization.
  • About 65% of people in the world are lactose intolerant, and in certain ethnic groups and nationalities, this figure reaches 90%.
  • Unfortunately, on some large farms, the treatment of cows is unacceptable. Small, private farms treat animals in a completely different way; here, cows are valued and cared for.
  • Cows are sociable animals; they are very emotional and create families and make friends. There is especially a close bond between mother and calf.
  • Cows give more milk if they are content and happy. Such milk is more nutritious and tastier.

How to take part

Relax in a village and visit the nearest farm, and hug a cow. Read more about these amazing animals and find out what they love. Prepare a delicious milk dessert. Of course, visit a Chick-fil-A restaurant, where you will be offered a free chicken sandwich on Cow Appreciation Day.

When is Cow Appreciation Day in 2024?

Cow Appreciation Day is observed on the second Tuesday of July each year.


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