Companies That Care Day - March
Thu, Mar 20, 2025

Companies That Care Day

Companies That Care Day is an international holiday dedicated to companies’ care for their employees. It is observed annually on the third Thursday of March. The main purpose of the holiday is to encourage employers to get closer to their employees, solve their problems, and increase the overall level of motivation in the team.


The history of the holiday begins with the organization Center for Companies That Care, which addresses problems related to labor code violations, non-compliance with employees’ rights, and poor working conditions. They promote the idea of social responsibility of employers towards their employees. It is necessary to create a work environment that ensures the growth and prosperity of the company while employees feel satisfied and valued.

Labor laws have existed in one form or another for centuries. However, there was no focus on comfortable working conditions. Workers were brutally exploited, and it is necessary to recognize this fact. The situation began to change in the 19th century when industry was actively developing. Trade unions and other associations of workers who tried to assert their rights arose. Thanks to their efforts, the workday was reduced to 8 hours, and the quality of working conditions and wages improved.

Interesting Facts

  • Even the Great Code of the Laws of King Hammurabi, dating from the 1790s B.C., had labor provisions for workers.
  • To increase the effectiveness of employees, it is necessary to enhance their intrinsic motivation. Reward them for their success with bonuses, increased vacation time, and frequent promotions, so that employees can strive for higher positions and understand that it is possible.
  • The first law introducing the 8-hour workday in public enterprises in the United States appeared in 1868. However, it took a few more years for it to be properly enforced.

How to Celebrate

Discuss your working conditions with your colleagues. If there are any problems or violations of the labor code, you can create a petition by formally contacting the employer. On this day, management can make it a short day for employees and get closer to them by throwing a small corporate party.

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When is Companies That Care Day in 2025?

Companies That Care Day is observed annually on the third Thursday in March.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday March 20 2025
Thursday March 19 2026
Thursday March 18 2027
Thursday March 16 2028
Thursday March 15 2029