Chiropractic Founders Day - September 18
Wed, Sep 18, 2024

Chiropractic Founders Day

Chiropractic Founders’ Day is dedicated to chiropractic, a medical field that has proven effective in treating problems with the spine and joints. Millions of people around the world have become healthier by attending chiropractic sessions. It is on September 18th.


Chiropractors are highly trained specialists who deal with problems related to the spine. Before conducting manual therapy (the name of this medical field), they study x-rays or talk with patients to collect the necessary information.

Treatment occurs through physical impact on a certain area of the spine. Sometimes heating or cooling methods are used. The main part of the problems is solved by pressing on the back with the palms or fists. Such therapy can improve a person’s condition and give a sense of mobility to their body. Especially often, people who suffer from bad posture, complain of neck pain, or are recovering from an injury turn to chiropractors.

It is believed chiropractors existed in the ancient world. According to historical sources, the Greek physician Hippocrates actively used these techniques. Later, however, manual therapy ceased to be used. The chiropractic revival began in 1897. Seven years later, the first licensed chiropractor appeared in the United States.

Interesting Facts

  • To obtain a license to work as a chiropractor, you must complete several years of training.
  • According to statistics for 2020, there are about 50,000 registered chiropractors in the United States.

How to Take Part

Congratulate acquaintances and friends who are engaged in manual therapy on this holiday. A great way to celebrate Chiropractic Founders’ Day is to visit a chiropractor. If you have any problems with your spine or you sit often, visiting such a specialist is a good way to check the effectiveness of the therapy and feel more mobile after the session.

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When is Chiropractic Founders’ Day in 2024?

Chiropractic Founders’ Day is observed on September 18 each year.


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Wednesday September 18 2024
Thursday September 18 2025
Friday September 18 2026
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Tuesday September 18 2029