Buy Nothing Day - November
Fri, Nov 29, 2024

Buy Nothing Day is in the US, Sweden, and Finland after Thanksgiving. The purpose of this day is to limit excess consumption and to draw attention to the ever-increasing role of shopping in our lives. It was founded by Ted Dave, an artist and advertising agency worker, to raise awareness about the marketing organizations that exploit customers by making them believe they need to buy more products.


Buy Nothing Day is on the same day as Black Friday – the biggest sale day of the year – to show the public how chaotic and wild the atmosphere in shopping centers can be. The holiday has been gaining more and more popularity every year, with some well-known people joining the movement. Ted and his associates believe that people rarely think about why they buy things, and they often don’t realize that this type of consumption can have a negative impact on the environment.

Interesting facts

  • Over 30% of companies use red in their logo to inspire confidence and draw attention.
  • In the past, the Coca-Cola Company ran a campaign that discouraged people from buying regular water instead of soda.
  • It is more difficult to attract a new customer than to retain an old one.
  • An average 65-year-old person has watched around 2 million commercials in their life.
  • Naked women are often used in advertising. In the 1800s, such images were used to advertise tobacco.
  • In 1440, advertising was done by word of mouth.

How to take part

To take part in Buy Nothing Day, you should resist the temptation to make unnecessary purchases. Spend some time in stores and observe people’s behavior. Read literature that explains how marketing works and share the purpose of this holiday with your friends and family. Together, we can make a real difference!

When is Buy Nothing Day in 2024?

Buy Nothing Day is observed on the day after Thanksgiving each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday November 29 2024
Friday November 28 2025
Friday November 27 2026
Friday November 26 2027
Friday November 24 2028
Friday November 23 2029