World Circus Day - April
Sat, Apr 20, 2024

World Circus Day

World Circus Day is a worldwide holiday dedicated to the circus. This art has evolved over the centuries to arrive at its present form. Vivid performances, mysterious tricks, trained animals, dangerous stunts – the circus is capable of presenting many emotions! The day of celebration is every year on the third Saturday in April.


The history of World Circus Day begins in 2010, when it was officially established by Princess Stephanie of Monaco. She was a great admirer of the circus arts and decided to dedicate a separate holiday to it.

The art of the circus itself has a long history. It originated in ancient Rome, and was an entertainment for society. The first arena for a performance could hold more than 200,000 people. As examples, we can recall the circus of Neronis or Maxentius.

The circus received a significant development in the 1700s when F. Astley founded an amphitheater in Lambeth, London. The practice of horseback riding and various stunts using horses began to be actively used. In 1835 Joshua Pardee introduced the concept of the big tent. Circus performers now had much more freedom of movement: they could tour the world performing in a packed tent. Now they were no longer confined to one place!

Since the 1970s, the popularity of the circus reached a new level. There were more circus groups all over the world, and new tricks, stunts, and more were added to the performances.

Interesting facts

  • The diameter of the performance circle (arena) is fixed and does not depend on the capacity of the hall. Its diameter is 13 meters.
  • There is a special curtain between the stage and the backstage area, which in circus art is called a foregang.
  • The animal act appeared in circus performances since the 19th century. The spectacularity was achieved not only through tricks, but also through predators. After all, a performance with a tiger is more exciting than one with a small poodle.

How to celebrate

Learn more about the structure of dangerous stunts and their organization. Get together with family or friends and attend a circus performance that day!

Tell about the holiday on social networks. Ask users, how often do they visit the circus?

When is World Circus Day celebrated in 2024?

World Circus Day is observed every year on the third Saturday of April.


Weekday Month Day Year
Saturday April 20 2024
Saturday April 19 2025