National Raspberry Popover Day - May 3
Fri, May 3, 2024

National Raspberry Popover Day

National Raspberry Popover Day is an annual American holiday dedicated to this tempting dessert. Raspberry popover is an original sweet dish from the baking category. The key feature from all other similar dishes is that it is served upside down. Its bottom layer is fruit or berry, attracting the attention of guests when served. The holiday is celebrated on May 3.


The history of National Raspberry Popover Day is devoid of details. However, we do know that popover is an important part of American culinary culture. It is based on Yorkshire pudding, developed in England in the 17th century. Around the second half of the 19th century, it made its way to the United States, where the recipe was slightly modified and a major feature was added – a bottom layer of filling that opens up to guests when served. The finished dish is simply turned over.

Popover is a very simple and delicious dish. It requires no special ingredients, which is why popover has been enjoyed by various segments of American society. It is also a very versatile dish: it can be made sweet, savory, as an appetizer, etc.

Interesting facts

  • The holiday not only encourages people to make a popover, but also marks the beginning of the raspberry harvest.
  • Raspberries are not only of a pleasant pink-red hue. In Geneva, for example, in 1893, botanists bred a new species with purple coloration.
  • Raspberry seeds have over 20% of fatty oils, so they are used in cosmetology in the manufacture of products to improve the skin.

How to celebrate

Visit catering establishments to try the classic raspberry popover performed by professional chefs. Surprise your family with a new dessert by making it yourself. Recipes are easy to find on the Internet.

Spread the word about the holiday on social media. Ask users if they’ve tried raspberry popover. Do they like raspberries as a single product?

When is National Raspberry Popover Day celebrated in 2024?

National Raspberry Popover Day is observed on May 3 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday May 3 2024
Saturday May 3 2025

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