National Raisin Day - April 30
Tue, Apr 30, 2024

National Raisin Day

National Raisin Day is an annual American holiday devoted to raisins. Its amazing flavor makes it a great stand-alone food, but it can also be used as an ingredient in desserts and baked goods. The holiday is celebrated every year on April 30.


Raisins were obtained around 1000 B.C. Probably in ancient Greece. It came about by accident. Someone simply left a bunch of grapes in the sun, which dried out the fruit, turning them into raisins. People liked the taste of dried grapes so much that they began to make them on purpose, leaving the ripe berries in the sun.

Raisins were introduced to the United States by European colonists around the 16th century. The history of National Raisin Day begins in 1909. The initiative to create the holiday was taken by the California Raisin Producers Association. It is held every year to this day. People can learn information about the benefits, technologies of making raisins, as well as learn about interesting recipes for dishes that include raisins.

Interesting facts

  • According to historical information, raisins were first sold by the Phoenicians. It was around 300 B.C.
  • The average energy value of 100 grams of raisins is about 200 kcal.
  • Sufficient consumption of raisins has many benefits for the body, as they reduce the risk of cancer, contain a lot of potassium and copper, strengthen bones and the nervous system, relieve irritation, help increase hemoglobin in the blood, and are a natural antioxidant.

How to celebrate

Learn more about raisins. Order raisin-infused dishes from catering establishments or prepare them yourself. You can easily find recipes on the Internet.

Tell people about the holiday on social media. Ask users, do they like raisins? What kind of dishes do they add them to?

When is National Raisin Day celebrated in 2024?

National Raisin Day is observed on April 30 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday April 30 2024
Wednesday April 30 2025

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