National Oatmeal Cookie Day - April 30
Tue, Apr 30, 2024

National Oatmeal Cookie Day

National Oatmeal Cookie Day is an annual American holiday dedicated to oatmeal cookies. It is not only a delicious dessert, but also very healthy. The dish will be a great option for those who want to give up extra calories by switching to a healthy diet. The holiday is celebrated every year on April 30. Also its celebration can be found on March 18 (but there the holiday is dedicated specifically to the lace variety of this cookie).


Oats as a foodstuff appeared in ancient times on the territory of China. It was around the second millennium B.C. Previously, oats were considered a weed that could often be found on rice plantations. But the Chinese saw it as a healthy food source, satisfying hunger and providing energy for the body. Gradually, oats began to be cultivated in isolated plots as a cultivated plant.

The distribution of oats in Europe is associated with Chinese wandering traders via the Silk Road. European colonists brought the product to the United States. Today, oatmeal is considered one of the healthiest foods, especially popular in dietetics and healthy eating practices. In addition, oat flakes make excellent desserts.

Oatmeal cookies are attributed to Fannie M. Farmen in 1896. In the 20th century, oatmeal cookies became popular all over the world.

Interesting facts

  • The country most people associate with oatmeal is England. There, oatmeal is in special esteem. Originally oatmeal was generally used to feed horses, but its nutritional properties were appreciated by soldiers during the WWI, after which it became popular as a product in the human diet.
  • Oatmeal contains a lot of vegetable protein and is a natural antioxidant. Fiber in the composition improves the digestive tract, increasing the digestibility of food.
  • Most store-bought oatmeal cookies contain sugar. If possible, look for options without this ingredient, because otherwise the usefulness of the baked goods is greatly reduced.

How to celebrate

Order oatmeal cookies from a pastry shop or visit a restaurant where you can try them. Find a recipe and surprise your family with your cooking skills.

Spread the word about the holiday on social media. Ask users if they like oatmeal cookies. Do they know how to make them themselves?

When is National Oatmeal Cookie Day Celebrated in 2024?

National Oatmeal Cookie Day is associated with the anticipation of happiness and joy. It is observed on April the 30th each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday April 30 2024
Wednesday April 30 2025

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