National Name Yourself Day - April 9
Tue, Apr 9, 2024

National Name Yourself Day

National Name Yourself Day is an annual American holiday dedicated to names. Every name has a story behind it, and its bearers need to know it! It is celebrated on April 9.


There are no details about the creation of National Name Yourself Day. The people who invented this day wanted to show the importance of each name and to encourage the study of them.

Names can determine the future life and destiny of a person – so say astrologers and similar specialists. It is not known whether this is true or not, but studies have shown a definite connection between the character and certain qualities of a person and his name.

Many names have an ancient history and a certain coloring. Parents sometimes choose a suitable name for the child for a very long time. The most popular today are rare names, as well as names associated with religion (Peter, Joseph, etc.), with various famous people.

On this day, it is worth finding out more information about the meaning of the name and its origin. It would be a good idea to study your family tree to know the names of your ancestors and what they did.

Interesting facts

  • It is not customary to use last names in Iceland. The full name includes the patronymic. For example, Lukas (the child’s own name) Magnus (the father’s name).
  • Li is the most popular Chinese first and last name. According to statistics, more than 90 million Chinese people bear this combination of two letters.
  • John and Elizabeth are some of the most frequently mentioned names among Americans.

How to celebrate

On this day, find out more information about the origin of your name. Think about what name would suit you if you don’t like your current name.

Spread the word about the holiday on social media. Ask other users, do they like their name?

When is National Name Yourself Day celebrated in 2024?

National Name Yourself Day is observed on April 9 each year.


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