National Cabbage Day - February 17
Sat, Feb 17, 2024

National Cabbage Day

Cabbage is one of the most popular and useful vegetables. Cabbage grows in many countries around the world. The plant is unpretentious and has the ability to quickly adapt to different climatic conditions. From it you can prepare a huge number of delicious dishes. In honor of the healthy vegetable, National Cabbage Day appeared – a holiday that is celebrated every year on February 17. This is a great way to remember this vegetable and try delicious and healthy dishes with cabbage in the composition.


This holiday was invented by American farmers, agricultural workers who grow cabbage on an industrial scale for sale and subsequent consumption. On this day in the United States and many other countries of the world, master classes are held on growing cabbage and cooking dishes from it. Farmers are putting up contests for the biggest cabbage grown last summer. In many US cities there are competitions for eating cabbage for speed

Interesting facts

  • Cabbage is a vegetable that is loved by both adults and children. This is a very useful and valuable product.
  • Cabbage is one of the oldest vegetables grown by man. The following is known about him.
  • Cabbage contains antioxidants – substances that prevent human aging.
  • There are many rare vitamins in cabbage that are not found in other vegetables and fruits.
  • Cabbage has more vitamin C than lemons and oranges, so it has a good effect on immunity and can be used to prevent infectious diseases.
  • Cabbage is part of many recipes of traditional medicine.

How to celebrate

To celebrate this holiday, you should prepare an original and delicious dish of cabbage. There are a huge number of recipes.

When choosing a vegetable, you should pay attention to its appearance. Cabbage should be strong to the touch, not loose, light green in color. This vegetable can be stewed, added to soups, and you can also cook pancakes and pies with cabbage filling. Cabbage has a high nutritional value and tastes good. You can arrange a fun party for friends on this day, dressed up in costumes of vegetables and fruits. It is a good idea to read books about growing cabbage and the benefits of this vegetable. In addition to white cabbage, you can serve a floral or red cabbage version to the festive table.

When is National Cabbage Day celebrated in 2024?

National Cabbage Day is observed on February 17 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Saturday February 17 2024
Monday February 17 2025
Tuesday February 17 2026
Wednesday February 17 2027

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