Musical Yoga Day - August 26
Mon, Aug 26, 2024

Musical Yoga Day

Musical Yoga Day is a celebration of people who love to practice yoga accompanied by certain musical compositions. While some yoga practitioners do not use music in class, considering it a distraction, many yoga teachers and practitioners cannot imagine classes without music. Music can help set the rhythm, tune into the desired mood, connect to the meditation process, and either completely relax or speed up movements during dynamic exercises.


It is not known who initiated Musical Yoga Day, celebrated on August 26th. However, it is likely that it was started by someone who is involved in yogic practices, possibly a teacher who has noticed excellent results when incorporating music into their classes.

Interesting facts

  1. Some yoga teachers use music in class, but only if it does not distract from the practice of yoga. Music with vocals can be considered a distraction. Some teachers prefer to use mantras or piano music.
  2. Chanting of mantras is a common practice in yoga, and it is believed that the right music can be just as effective as mantras.
  3. Music can help practitioners enter a state of “flow,” setting the right rhythm and playing the role of a link between the energy of the soul and the physical body.
  4. Music is considered a universal language of communication and can help unite and understand people of different cultures. It can convey what is difficult to explain in words.
  5. Calm music can have a positive effect on the nervous system, reducing anxiety, relaxing, stabilizing breathing, blood pressure, and pulse. Active music can inspire the body to move, making dynamic exercises more enjoyable.

How to take part

On Musical Yoga Day, yoga practitioners can update their playlist for classes, or try new songs that can help improve their practice. If you haven’t taken yoga classes yet, you can attend your first lesson and experience how doing exercises with music can make it more enjoyable.

When is Musical Yoga Day Celebrated in 2024?

Musical Yoga Day is devoted to celebrating cheerfulness and fun. It happens annually on August the 26th.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday August 26 2024
Tuesday August 26 2025

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