Hot Buttered Rum Day - January 17
Wed, Jan 17, 2024

Hot Buttered Rum Day

Hot Buttered Rum Day is an annual American holiday dedicated to the original drink. Celebrated January 17th. Hot buttered rum has been around for centuries and is a great way to warm up during a cold winter.


Drink Hot Buttered Rum enjoys wide popularity in America, as well as Europe. It belongs to the group of warming alcoholic winter drinks, which also includes Mulled Wine, Hot Toddy and many others.

Hot buttered rum has American roots. It is believed that it was invented in Jamaica, where the original drink was created. A rum distillery was opened on the island in the 1660s. The approximate time of the appearance of rum with butter is the middle of the 18th century.

The classic recipe for this warming drink is quite simple. In a small bowl over a fire, melt the butter, add sugar and spices to taste. The heated sticky mixture is then combined with the rum and mixed well. If the resulting drink is too strong, it can be diluted with hot water. It is recommended to drink immediately, without allowing it to cool.

Interesting facts

  • To prepare 1 liter of rum, you need 10 kg of sugar cane.
  • Rum is considered the traditional drink of pirates. Previously, you could meet it under other names: for example, “Barbados water”.
  • When the British naval commander Horatio Nelson fell at the Battle of Trafalgar, the ship’s crew placed his body in a barrel of rum to prevent decay before burial.

How to celebrate

Be sure to prepare this wonderful drink on Hot Buttered Rum Day. Gather with friends or family, arranging cozy home gatherings. Tell each other interesting stories or share personal experiences. Solve problems together!

Also on this day, you can read interesting facts about rum, its varieties and cooking technology. Do not forget to share information about the holiday on social networks.

When is Hot Buttered Rum Day celebrated in 2024?

Hot Buttered Rum Day is observed on January 17 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Wednesday January 17 2024
Friday January 17 2025
Saturday January 17 2026
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